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Shree Krishna Sankha

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Length    : 17 cm
Breadth   :   6 cm
Height     : 17 cm
Width      :  6 cm
Weight    : 614 gms

The sound of the Conch Shell or Shankha is synonymous with the beginning of something important in Sanatana Dharma (Hinduism), and Buddhism for it symbolizes luster, brilliance, purity, and auspicious beginning. It is considered to be a pious article and is used in all religious rituals.

It is widely believed that the first use of the Shankha took place during the Samudra Manthan or churning of the ocean. Legends have it that it was used and remained an object of benefaction during Samudra Manthan. Shankha is closely associated with Lord Vishnu and Goddess Lakshmi. Lord Vishnu is usually portrayed holding a conch shell. It is believed that during the Samudra Manthan, the first conch shell appeared, and Goddess Lakshmi followed it.

The God of Wealth is Lord Kubera – who is said to have eight auspicious jewels, and one of them was Sankhanidhi.

In the epic era, the sankha remained an integral part of warfare. And wars restricted to daytime only. Thus the blowing of sankha during sunrise meant that war was on, and again it used to be blown at dusk, signifying retreat to the camps of night rest. It used to signify the victory signal as well.

Hindu socio-religious ethos deeply embeds its importance of Shank. Shankh symbolizes the cosmic space of which the attribute is sabda or sound. The resounding musical notes of sacred sankha rent the air when it is blown during the religious ceremonies, and thus the devotee’s emotions get expressed. In religious rituals, Shankh is used to announce the beginning of a prayer or arrival of a deity, and in some places, sacred water is collected and distributed in it.

While performing Lakshmi Puja, the conch shell is filled with milk, and then it is poured over the idol. Water collected in Shankha is offered while worshipping the sun.



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